(Pursuant to Art. 13 - 14 and Principle of Accountability General Data Protection Regulation - European Regulation no. 679/2016)

Amici per la Musica is a cultural association committed to spreading musical culture with particular attention to young people and contemporary music. It organizes a concert season, the Luigi Nono International Chamber Music Competition, the International Composition Prize and other cultural initiatives. The Association believes that quality classical music is a valuable asset that deserves to be proposed to the general public and that can be appreciated by anyone. Its initiatives are open to the public free of charge. The Association is non-profit, non-partisan and apolitical. It is open to all those who share its its aims and values. Members' activities are not remunerated. The Association supports itself financially through public tenders or bank foundations and through donations from those who support its activities. The Association Amici per la Musica invites you to carefully read the information concerning the protection of personal data.

Data Controller and DPO

The Data Controller is Associazione Amici per la Musica (hereinafter 'Association'), with registered office in Via Barbi Cinti, 4 - 10078 Venaria Reale, represented by its President pro tempore, e-mail: Data Protection Officer (DPO) is: Mr. ANTONELLO F. QUARTAROLI – E-MAIL

Types of personal data

The personal data processed are those provided voluntarily by the data subject. Voluntary provision, carried out in various ways - in person, on paper, by e-mail or by filling in the "forms" (masks) specifically provided on the association website - involves the subsequent acquisition of the address and data of the sender/user, necessary to respond to the requests and/or provide the requested service. Purpose of Processing The Association processes personal data to the extent strictly necessary for the performance of its statutory functions, excluding processing when the purposes pursued can be achieved by means of anonymous data or in such a way that the data subject can be identified only in case of necessity.

Processing methods

Personal data are processed by automated and manual means.

Period of data retention

Personal data are processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected, unless revoked or specifically required to fulfil legal obligations.

Optional provision of data

The interested party is free to provide personal data. Failure to provide the requested data will make it impossible to obtain the service.

Communication and/or dissemination of data

Personal data are used solely for the purpose of performing the service or provision requested. The data are processed in accordance with current legislation and kept with appropriate security measures and confidentiality. They are not disclosed or transferred to other parties in Italy or abroad. They are communicated to third parties only in cases where:

a) it is necessary for the fulfilment of requests (e.g. dispatch service of the requested documentation, calls for tenders);

b) it is required by law or regulation;

c) during legal proceedings;

d) is necessary in order to make use of external consultancy in order to fulfil the requested services, the Data Controller having prepared letters of appointment to External Data Processors Treatment in the manner provided for by the GDPR.

The list of External Data Processors is available to Data Subjects, who may request it from the Data Protection Officer.

Rights of the Interested Parties

The 'data subjects', i.e. natural person, legal person, entities or associations the data refer to, have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or updating, or their rectification as per Articles 15-22 of Regulation European Regulation 679/2016. Pursuant to the same article, data subjects also have the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data concerning them, processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.

Newsletter Service

The newsletter is a free information tool to inform about the Association's activities. It is sent to e-mails or the recipient's address collected through all the association's activities such as for example: registration on the website, concerts, shows, meetings, events. This address is used exclusively for such mailings and is not for any reason passed on to third parties outside the Association and is processed exclusively with the computer media necessary for sending the newsletters themselves. The system for unsubscribing is always attached to them.